The Angry Leftist

Lonestar Mensch was my former moniker. I still claim it, but post election it felt like time for a rebrand. As I am an Angry Leftist, The Angry Leftist seemed apropos.Still reworking this site so please keep checking back to see what additions I have made! Above you can check out a page where I list some of my core beliefs, a bit about me as well as a page where I put links to groups and organizations that are doing work I support. Also a link to my blog!

A bit about me...

I’m a 35-year-old Disabled Jewish Transwoman living in the deep South, and for as long as I can remember, I’ve been angry. Angry at injustice. Angry at the rigid adherence to "norms." Angry at the bill of goods we were sold as children—the promise that if we worked hard in school, we’d get into a great college, earn a degree, land a good job, and build a life of stability with a nice house, a car, and everything we could want.That promise, however, turned out to be a load of dreck.The reality is far grimmer. The cost of higher education is crippling, and many of my friends who earned their degrees—often in practical, in-demand fields—are now stuck in menial jobs unrelated to their studies. They’re burdened by crushing debt, living under constant anxiety, and teetering on the edge of financial ruin.My generation is the first in modern history to face a lower standard of living than our parents and grandparents. The systems that were supposed to provide opportunity have failed us.And the culprit? There are many contributing factors, but at the core is our government—meant to serve we the people—instead catering to the monied class and corporate interests. This isn’t some unfortunate accident; it’s the inevitable result of a vile capitalist system.It’s this reality, especially in light of the past year of politics and the election last week, that pushed me to embrace a new identity: The Angry Leftist. And let me tell you, I am angry.I’m angry that our two-party system continually fails us. I’m furious at one party, rushing to drag us back to the Stone Age, intent on stripping away over a century of progress to further insulate the wealthy, heteronormative, white oligarchy. And I’m just as angry at the other party—the one that claims to champion the underrepresented and marginalized—yet shills just as hard for big money interests, leaving the rest of us to fend for ourselves.Worse, they have the audacity to lecture us, insisting their failures are our fault. They claim we’ve pushed the party too far left, and the only way to win is to chase the right. It’s infuriating.There’s so much to be angry about. But anger, if left unchecked, is useless. So, I made a choice. Riding the momentum I’ve been building through blogging, I decided to channel my anger into action—writing more, connecting with other leftists, organizing, campaigning, and, yes, raging against the machine. (I groaned at the phrase too—please forgive me.)

A Few stances that are important to me:

  • Pro-Choice: I would not make the choice for myself, but it is not mine nor the states place to impose that on any other.

  • Anti-Death Penalty: As someone whose family has been personally touched by Murder, I still wouldn't wish to see the same pain visited upon us visited upon the culprit. I believe life is sacred and the Government shouldn't be in the business of killing its citizens.

  • Anti-War: Much the same as above. Peace should be the aim always, and only when all else has failed should war ever be the option, and in those rare cases enough only to deter violence and loss of life. They should NEVER be about proffit and the notion of forever wars must END.

  • Anti-Capitalist: The Capitalist system breeds, either intentionally or unintentionally, greed and disregard for our fellow man. The aim of Capitalism is to generate grotesque amounts of wealth for the Capital Holders at the expense of the Capital makers (Workers). Its insidious fingers have made their ways into all aspects of our society. It has made bed fellows with the Prison Industrial Complex, the Military Industrial Complex and the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex. It prevents affordable housing from ever being achieved, and has all but decimated the Middle Class.

  • Pro-Drug Decriminalization: We should end the failed War On Drugs. We should have learned during Prohibition that it only creates Criminal Organizations and does nothing to stop drug use.

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Last updated 2024-11-17